Selection of RIAS e.V. projects
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Courage This project aims to develop a Social Media User's Virtual Companion that educates and supports teenage school students facing the treats of social media such as discrimination and biases also escalating to hate speech, bullying, fake news and other toxic content that can strongly affect the real world. |
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CS Track - systematically investigating Citizen Science CS Track is a new European research project which will broaden our knowledge about Citizen Science and the impact Citizen Science activities can have in order to maximise their potential benefit on individual citizens, organisations, and society at large. |
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Green Logistics 4.0 Das Projekt "Green Logistic 4.0" - Potenziale der Digitalisierung für eine nachhaltige Logistik in KMU der NRW-Speditionswirtschaft – „Green Logistics 4.0“ ist gestartet. |
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Cockpit Social services are under pressure: the number of people who are dependent on care and support is increasing. At the same time, the challenges for the providers of social services (e.g., outpatient or inpatient care services, care and support in daily life) are high: more and more demand of social services - fewer and fewer people who see their careers in organizations of social services. In addition, the economic pressure is increasing: Social services have to pay off! |
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FLEXMEDIA The publishing and media industry is affected by a fundamental structural crisis. Basis of technological developments are established and highly profitable business models under tremendous pressure to change. The goal of the project is the development and testing of a guideline for the development of "digital" strategies and for the management of discontinuities (e.g. transition from offline to online media) for the media and publishing industry. |
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JuxtaLearn Technology can be a tool to facilitate learning but it can also support looking at our world in different ways. Within disciplines such as the humanities arts and languages the creativity in learning comes from the students re-applying their understanding through developing stories, evidenced narratives and artistic representations. However, in STEM subjects the creativity is often implemented by the teacher on the students. Ultimately our approaches to STEM learning itself needs to be dramatically altered so that they are relevant for students of the future. This requires changing the situation and expectations of what STEM learning is. Juxtalearn can be one piece in supporting us to do that. |
LocalMobile.NRW Provides development of an intelligent location-based mobile application that context-sensitive information and Web 2.0 features for the user. Other projects of members of the RIAS: KoPIWA skills development and process support in `open innovation 'networks in the IT industry through knowledge modeling and analysis. |
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SESAM - Specific activation of immigrant businesses in the Lower Rhine region In the Lower Rhine region (city of Duisburg, Kreis Kleve, Wesel), the share of international companies is above average, almost one in ten companies - around 5,000 in total - has an international background. They have a permanent and important place in the economy, and help that many jobs will be created. On the Lower Rhine are mainly Turkish, Dutch, Polish, Italian or Russian companies or companies where management has a corresponding background. A large variety that should be exploited! |
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The Digital Economy in numbers RIAS publishes every two years in cooperation with the BVDW (Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft e.V) a study of revenues and jobs in the digital economy. The first short study on this topic is [here] to download. |
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TRANSDEMO Demographic change - the change in the age distribution in society and new migration patterns - provides spaces and regions, companies and their employees with new challenges. Research has adopted the issue in a variety of projects and publications. In the area of job design, this relates generally to the operational level. According to a lack of proper approach to implementation, with particular reference to SMEs, in the context of regional support structures, as they are influential. |
Further projects of RIAS e.V. members
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FoodWeb2.0 Foodweb 2.0 wants to create new approaches to training for workers in the food industry. Independent learning and exchange of experience between the participants are enabled and encouraged by Web 2.0 technologies. The involved in the project training facilities in the industry provide learning modules available on the Internet participants can add their own contributions and exchange ideas. "Getting involved instead of just listening or watching" is the motto of the benefits for companies and employees are obvious: |
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KOLEGEA The aim of the Kolegea project (Cooperative learning and mobile communities for in-service training in general medicine) is the development, implementation and evaluation of a training concept and a supportive, Web2.0-based system for collaborative learning in professional social networks (communities) in the training of medical specialists. KOLEGEA is specifically aimed at doctors in training as a specialist in general medicine. |
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KoPIWA The aim of the project is to establish the context of the discussion about "open innovation" a platform for interactive value-added partnerships and thus a corresponding industry-specific knowledge and human resources management in the digital economy. |
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VIP-NET The project aims at the social, technical and organizational support for knowledge-intensive collaboration work in dynamic networks. Such work is structured primarily in the context of projects in time, objectively and socially. The proposed research therefore includes projects but also organizational networks within which projects differentiate itself as a basal unit of analysis. |